Monday, September 5, 2011

wish list inspired by fall

happy september.  i can't believe its almost autumn already.  ill admit it, fall is quite possibly, okay, most definitely my most favorite time of the year - season wise anyways.  id have to say my favorite time of the year is christmas (obviously) but christmas alone will  have so many posts devoted to it that i won't go on about how much i love it.

here are some pretty things that i love and most definitely am adding to my wish list.  all are inspired by fall. enjoy.

many things i love about fall are obviously:
1. the leaves changing colors.
2. the cool temperatures.
3. the sweaters, the scarves.
4. okay everything fashionably wise about autumn.
5. pumpkin bread.
6. that one night when it hits you that its autumn and you know that your comforter has to be slept with because your sheet or blanket aren't enough anymore.
7. not receiving the "are you crazy" look when i order a hot coffee or hot chocolate (okay i only do this once or twice during the summer).
8. pumpkin spice lattes.
9. autumn just has cozy written all over it.
10. its soup weather.
11. back to school season.
12. when you walk outside in the morning and frost sticks to the grass.
13. seeing your breath for the first time because its so chilly out.
14. boots can be brought back out of the closet.

Some of the pictures above can be found below: 


  1. I pretty much love everything that is on that wish-list. And I concur with everything you love about fall.
    cute blog!

  2. You are pretty amazing - I thought you should know.


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